St. Petersburg Review and Springhouse Journal have been on a forced pandemic hiatus, publishing on the website as issues and literature arise. Currently, "Ukraine Diary" is available from (3/14/2022) with no pay walls. We are adding to this diary weekly and plan to re-start St. Petersburg Review with a publication in the fall. We are not reading at this time, but if you have already submitted, even though it has been ages, your work will be considered. Thank you to all writers and readers who have stuck with us.
St. Petersburg Review publishes quality work from established and emerging writers and artists with a special emphasis on translations and fostering an international literary community that, among other things, provides a forum for freedom of artistic expression especially for those writing and/or living in global conflict areas.
The journal was founded in 2007 to honor the spirit of samizdat, the disenfranchised Soviet writers' practice of publication through whatever means, and to celebrate the Russian literary tradition of perseverance. Over the years we have expanded the scope and breadth of our journal to feature work by writers from more than 50 countries. It is through our perseverance in promoting writing from all over the world that we store up the riches of other cultures and keep them safe from perishing, building a humanity that speaks the same language through literature and seeks to right global prejudices. As well as publishing quality international writing, we see our mission as starting a movement of human identity and compassion.
Make sure to check out our online companion journal, Springhouse Journal.
Very few of us, sadly, have the resources necessary to travel
the globe and mingle with the literary elite at every stop.
Reading [an] issue of the St. Petersburg Review is a satisfying alternative.
—K. Nichols, NewPages
St. Petersburg Review accepts unsolicited manuscripts of fiction, poetry, nonfiction and one-act plays. Our submission period is currently closed and will open later this year.
SPR is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts not submitted within these dates. We try to respond within six months of receipt, but as we are an annual, our review may be outside these parameters. Simultaneous submissions are OK; please let us know as soon as possible if work has been accepted elsewhere. Submissions should not exceed three poems or one work of fiction or nonfiction (7500 words or less) or one one-act play. There is a three dollar reading fee for each unsolicited submission. We cannot respond to questions about your submission other than its automated status on our electronic submission manager, Submittable. We appreciate the importance of your work and at no time feel it should be treated other than with respect. Our readers, including our editors, take seriously our task and wish you all the best with your writing.
Issue 8.5 of St. Petersburg Review is here! Preview it or purchase a copy below.
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